


Hosomi, M., Sekiguchi, T., & Froese, F. J. (2020). Mentoring in Japan: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Model. In Mentorship-driven Talent Management. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Sekiguchi, T., Mitate, Y., & Yang, Y. (2020). Internship experience and organizational attractiveness: Does realistic job fit matter? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 1-6. Forthcoming.

Ghosh, D., Sekiguchi, T., & Fujimoto, Y. (2020). Psychological detachment: A creativity perspective on the link between intrinsic motivation and employee engagement. Personnel Review. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-12-2018-0480

Li. J., Sekiguchi, T., & Qi, J. (2020). When and why skill variety influences employee job crafting: Regulatory focus and social exchange perspectives. Employee Relations, 42 (3), 662-680. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-06-2019-0240

Wu, J., & Sekiguchi, T. (2020). A multilevel and dynamic model of intragroup conflict and decision making: Application of agent-based modeling. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 13: 22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s11782-019-0070-1

Sekiguchi, T., Takeuchi, N., Takeuchi, T., Nakamura, S., & Ebisuya, A. (2019). How inpatriates internalize corporate values at headquarters: The role of developmental job assignments and psychosocial mentoring. Management International Review, 59(5), 825-853.

Liu, T., Sekiguchi, T., & Ebisuya, A. (2019). Outcomes of bridging roles in MNCs and moderating influence of cultural identity integration. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.15

Yang, Y., Li, J., & Sekiguchi, T. (2019). How supervisors respond to employee voice: An experimental study in China and Japan. Asian Business & Management. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-019-00075-1

Huang, L., Yang, Y., & Sekiguchi, T. (2019). Attractiveness of Japanese firms to international job applicants: The effects of belongingness, uniqueness, and employment patterns. Asian Business & Management. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-019-00068-0

Liu, T., & Sekiguchi, T. (2019). How does the use of a foreign language affect team processes and member stress and satisfaction? Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 31(1-2), 33-55.

Khalid, S., & Sekiguchi, T. (2019). The mediating effect of glass ceiling beliefs in the relationship between women’s personality traits and their subjective career success. NTU Management Review, 29 (3): 1-28.

van Dick, R., …, Sekiguchi, T. et al. (2018). Identity leadership going global: Validation of the identity leadership inventory (ILI) across 20 countries. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. doi:10.1111/joop.12223

Selke, R., Sekiguchi, T., Moehle, A., Elsharqawy, A., & Streich, P. (2018). Foreign language proficiency as an asset for Japanese graduates. IAFOR Journal of Education, 6, 103-120.

Khalid, S., & Sekiguchi, T. (2018). The role of empathy in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: An experimental study in Japan and Pakistan. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 9, 1-9.

Sekiguchi, T., Li, J., & Hosomi, M. (2017). Predicting job crafting from the socially embedded perspective: The interactive effect of job autonomy, social skill, and employee status. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 53, 470-497.

Froese, F. J, Sekiguchi, T., & , Maharjan, M. P. (2017). Korea and Japan. In F. L. Cooke & S. Kim (Eds.), Routledge handbook of human resource management in Asia. Routledge.

Maharjan, M. P., & Sekiguchi, T. (2017). Human resource management practices of Japanese companies in India: Dealing with the transfer–adaptation dichotomy. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 11, 323-341.

Ghosh, D., Sekiguchi, T., & Gurunathan, L. (2017). Organizational embeddedness as a mediator between justice and in-role performance. Journal of Business Research, 75, 130-137.

細見正樹 (2017) 『ワーク・ライフ・バランスを実現する職場ー見過ごされてきた上司・同僚の視点』大阪大学出版会

関ロ倫紀・竹内規彦・井口知栄(編著)(2016). 『国際人的資源管理』中央経済社

Holtom, B. C., & Sekiguchi, T. (2016). Exploring the relationship between job embeddedness and organizational citizenship behavior. In P. M. Podsakoff, S. B. MacKenzie & N. P. Podsakoff (Eds.), Oxford handbook of organizational citizenship behavior. Oxford University Press.

Bebenroth, R., Ismail, M., & Sekiguchi, T. (2016). Target firm employee perceptions of procedural and interpersonal justice. Human Systems Management, 35, 165-173.

Li, P. P., & Sekiguchi, T., & Zhou, K. (2016). The emerging research on indigenous management in Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33, 583-594.

Grill, T. V.,  Maharjan, M. P., & Sekiguchi, T. (2016). Human resource management of Japanese companies in Hungary: How do the Japanese and the Hungarian styles blend?  Journal of East-West Business, 22, 145-167.

牧美喜男関ロ倫紀 (2016). 日本企業海外子会社における人的資源管理の実証研究  国際ビジネス研究, 8 (1), 89-105.

Sekiguchi, T. (2016). Bridge individuals in multinational organisations. Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology, 9, 1-4.

Fujimoto, Y., Ferdous, A. S., Sekiguchi, T., & Sugianto, L. (2016). The effect of mobile technology usage on work engagement and emotional exhaustion in Japan. Journal of Business Research, 69, 3315–3323.

Maharjan, M. P., & Sekiguchi, T. (2016). The influence and effectiveness of US-style and Japanese-style HR practices on Indian firms: A conceptual perspective. South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management, 3, 58-74.

Sekiguchi, T., Froese, F. J., & Iguchi, C. (2016). International human resource management of Japanese multinational corporations: Challenges and future directions. Asian Business & Management, 15, 83-109.

Maharjan, M. P., & Sekiguchi, T. (2016). Human resource management practices at foreign-affiliated companies in least-developed regions: US and Japanese companies in Nepal.  Asian Business & Management, 15, 137-164

細見正樹 (2016) . 上司の侮辱的管理がもたらす影響─職務特性および家庭生活からのリソースの調整効果(論文要旨)  日本労働研究雑誌, 667, 78.


Liu, T. & Sekiguchi, T., & Dahana, W. D. (2018). Functional and linguistic bridging in multinational corporations: Moderating effect of cultural identity integration. Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 18-26, Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP).

Yang, Y., Li, J., & Sekiguchi, T. (2018). Supervisors’ Responses to Employee Voice Behavior: An Experimental Study in China and Japan. Discussion Paper No. E-18-006, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University.

Khalid, S. (2018). Being There: The Role of Mindfulness in the Entrepreneurial Process. Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 18-18, Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP).


吴 俊彦・関口倫紀 Best Paper Award (Human Resources and Strategic Management), Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Chapter, December 2019.

刘海衣・関口倫紀 Palgrave Macmillan and EAMSA Best Paper Award Finalist,  The 2019 Conference of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), Vorarlberg, Austria, 2019年10月

吴 俊彦, EAMSA PhD Award, The 2019 Conference of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), Vorarlberg, Austria, 2019年10月

劉テイ・関口倫紀・戎谷梓  CEIBS Best Paper Award Finalist, Academy of Management International Management Division, 2019年8月

劉テイ・関口倫紀・戎谷梓 Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2019年8月

赤城賀奈子 クリエイティブ賞 京都大学経営管理大学院サービス&ホスピタリティプログラム最終報告会, 2019年1月

吴 俊彦, EAMSA PhD Award, The 2018 Conference of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), Yongin, Korea, 2018年11月.

劉テイ, EAMSA PhD Award, The 2018 Conference of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), Yongin, Korea, 2018年11月.

Kim CheonghwaWang Ji辻 真樹德力 創一朗野口 詩織番野 洋輔 大阪大学経済学部平成28年度懸賞論文特別賞, 2017年2月

細見正樹, 経営行動科学学会奨励研究賞, 2016年11月

楊芸ゲツ, EAMSA PhD Award, The 2016 Conference of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), Suzhou, China, 2016年10月.

Saddam Khalid & Tomoki Sekiguchi,Recommended Paper Award,The 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference,2016年04月

佐々木 優太白鳥 さつき松澤 倫太郎山梨 誠人油井 愛美,  大阪大学経済学部平成27年度懸賞論文優秀賞, 2016年2月

門 伴軌正者 宏太朗 徳力 創一朗中嶋 翼永戸 崇章,  大阪大学経済学部平成27年度懸賞論文優秀賞, 2016年2月

関ロ 倫紀安川 小春,大会優秀賞,経営行動科学学会,2015年11月

牧 美喜男,大会優秀賞,経営行動科学学会,2015年11月